Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries Quote

Neurotic impostor CEOs are also highly likely to become addicted to consulting companies because reassurances provided by impartial outsiders compensate for the executives' feelings of insecurity.

Similar quote in De Vries (2011; 17) - "The Dangers of Feeling Like a Fake," 2005

Neurotic impostor CEOs are also highly likely to become addicted to consulting companies because reassurances provided by impartial outsiders...

Neurotic impostor CEOs are also highly likely to become addicted to consulting companies because reassurances provided by impartial outsiders...

Neurotic impostor CEOs are also highly likely to become addicted to consulting companies because reassurances provided by impartial outsiders...

Neurotic impostor CEOs are also highly likely to become addicted to consulting companies because reassurances provided by impartial outsiders...