All of us were mischievous at some time or another, I more so than any of the rest. [My brother] Philbert and I kept a battle going.... Even in our fighting, there was a feeling of brotherly union.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X (ed. Ballantine Books, 2015) - ISBN: 9781101967805

All of us were mischievous at some time or another, I more so than any of the rest. [My brother] Philbert and I kept a battle going.... Even in our...

All of us were mischievous at some time or another, I more so than any of the rest. [My brother] Philbert and I kept a battle going.... Even in our...

All of us were mischievous at some time or another, I more so than any of the rest. [My brother] Philbert and I kept a battle going.... Even in our...

All of us were mischievous at some time or another, I more so than any of the rest. [My brother] Philbert and I kept a battle going.... Even in our...