Maggie Stiefvater Quote

Or even tell me it's because you could not live without The Boy's stunning Boyfruits for another night..." Sam's face was twisted into a weird shape at the mention of his Boyfruits.

Shiver Trilogy (Shiver, Linger, Forever) (ed. 2011)

Or even tell me it's because you could not live without The Boy's stunning Boyfruits for another night... Sam's face was twisted into a weird shape...

Or even tell me it's because you could not live without The Boy's stunning Boyfruits for another night... Sam's face was twisted into a weird shape...

Or even tell me it's because you could not live without The Boy's stunning Boyfruits for another night... Sam's face was twisted into a weird shape...

Or even tell me it's because you could not live without The Boy's stunning Boyfruits for another night... Sam's face was twisted into a weird shape...