She had impressed him as capable of behaviour even more meaningless than most human beings. He had watched her kill her own people with a ferocity that betrayed real grief. But she was someone, he had decided early, who struggled harder with life than she needed to: this he respected, even admired.

Chapter 29 Surgery (p. 361) - Light (2002)

She had impressed him as capable of behaviour even more meaningless than most human beings. He had watched her kill her own people with a ferocity...

She had impressed him as capable of behaviour even more meaningless than most human beings. He had watched her kill her own people with a ferocity...

She had impressed him as capable of behaviour even more meaningless than most human beings. He had watched her kill her own people with a ferocity...

She had impressed him as capable of behaviour even more meaningless than most human beings. He had watched her kill her own people with a ferocity...