Lyndall Urwick Quote

Scientific Management is not a new "system," something "invented" by a man called F. W. Taylor, a passing novelty." It is something much deeper, an attitude towards the control of human systems of co-operation of all kinds rendered essential by the immense accretion of power over material things ushered in by the industrial revolution...

The Making Of Scientific Management, 1945

Scientific Management is not a new system, something invented by a man called F. W. Taylor, a passing novelty. It is something much deeper, an...

Scientific Management is not a new system, something invented by a man called F. W. Taylor, a passing novelty. It is something much deeper, an...

Scientific Management is not a new system, something invented by a man called F. W. Taylor, a passing novelty. It is something much deeper, an...

Scientific Management is not a new system, something invented by a man called F. W. Taylor, a passing novelty. It is something much deeper, an...