Louis Sullivan Quote

The French have a saying: "Time will not consecrate that in which she has been ignored." Bear this admonition ever in mind for it is deeply true.
And so, while I say we will neither hasten nor delay, let us not delay. All of which is summed up in the proverbs:
Haste makes waste.
Delays are dangerous.
He who hesitates is lost.
Be bold yet prudent.

Kindergarten Chats (1918)

The French have a saying: Time will not consecrate that in which she has been ignored. Bear this admonition ever in mind for it is deeply true. And...

The French have a saying: Time will not consecrate that in which she has been ignored. Bear this admonition ever in mind for it is deeply true. And...

The French have a saying: Time will not consecrate that in which she has been ignored. Bear this admonition ever in mind for it is deeply true. And...

The French have a saying: Time will not consecrate that in which she has been ignored. Bear this admonition ever in mind for it is deeply true. And...