I confess that I was not prepared to see this theory [Darwinism] received as it has been by the best intellects of our time. Its success is greater than I could have thought possible.

In: John Tyndall, Fragments of Science: A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and, Reviews (5th edition) (p. 514)

I confess that I was not prepared to see this theory [Darwinism] received as it has been by the best intellects of our time. Its success is greater...

I confess that I was not prepared to see this theory [Darwinism] received as it has been by the best intellects of our time. Its success is greater...

I confess that I was not prepared to see this theory [Darwinism] received as it has been by the best intellects of our time. Its success is greater...

I confess that I was not prepared to see this theory [Darwinism] received as it has been by the best intellects of our time. Its success is greater...