Lord Kitchener Quote

You are ordered abroad as a soldier of the King to help our French comrades against the invasion of a common enemy…In this new experience you may find temptations both in wine and women. You must entirely resist both temptations, and, while treating all women with perfect courtesy, you should avoid any intimacy. Do your duty bravely. Fear God. Honour the King.

message to soldiers of the British Expeditionary Force (1914), in Times 19 August 1914

You are ordered abroad as a soldier of the King to help our French comrades against the invasion of a common enemy…In this new experience you may...

You are ordered abroad as a soldier of the King to help our French comrades against the invasion of a common enemy…In this new experience you may...

You are ordered abroad as a soldier of the King to help our French comrades against the invasion of a common enemy…In this new experience you may...

You are ordered abroad as a soldier of the King to help our French comrades against the invasion of a common enemy…In this new experience you may...