This is the sky-crab, named of old, Because here, so Chaldeans told, The sun seemed to move backward. These And other tales about hime teem Of mangers, hives, and gods. If dream They are delightful fantasies.

Cancer, Popular Astronomy, Volume 37, Number 9, November 1929 (p. 513)

This is the sky-crab, named of old, Because here, so Chaldeans told, The sun seemed to move backward. These And other tales about hime teem Of...

This is the sky-crab, named of old, Because here, so Chaldeans told, The sun seemed to move backward. These And other tales about hime teem Of...

This is the sky-crab, named of old, Because here, so Chaldeans told, The sun seemed to move backward. These And other tales about hime teem Of...

This is the sky-crab, named of old, Because here, so Chaldeans told, The sun seemed to move backward. These And other tales about hime teem Of...