A man thirty years old, I said to myself, should have his field of life all ploughed, and his planting well done; for after that it is summer time.

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (ed. 1965)

A man thirty years old, I said to myself, should have his field of life all ploughed, and his planting well done; for after that it is summer time.

A man thirty years old, I said to myself, should have his field of life all ploughed, and his planting well done; for after that it is summer time.

A man thirty years old, I said to myself, should have his field of life all ploughed, and his planting well done; for after that it is summer time.

A man thirty years old, I said to myself, should have his field of life all ploughed, and his planting well done; for after that it is summer time.