The positive energy theorem was for half a century or more an open challenge to relativists. Many attempts were made to prove flat spacetime was stable, but none completely succeeded completely until a majestic tour de force of geometric reasoning of Shoen and Yau. This was followed two years later by a proof of Witten, which was as elegant as it was short. It is this proof of Witten's that we take as a template here for the quantum theory.

"Positive energy in quantum gravity" arXiv (Jun 10, 2014)

The positive energy theorem was for half a century or more an open challenge to relativists. Many attempts were made to prove flat spacetime was...

The positive energy theorem was for half a century or more an open challenge to relativists. Many attempts were made to prove flat spacetime was...

The positive energy theorem was for half a century or more an open challenge to relativists. Many attempts were made to prove flat spacetime was...

The positive energy theorem was for half a century or more an open challenge to relativists. Many attempts were made to prove flat spacetime was...