L. David Mech Quote

With wolf lay advocates it is just natural to want to promote their favorite animal and to try to counter the known negative effects of wolves and the claims fostered by people who vilify wolves, an increasing lot as wolves recover and proliferate. Thus wolf advocates eagerly seize on any study they consider favorable to wolves. The media become complicit by immediately publicizing such studies because of the controversial nature of the wolf. And all this publicity reverberates on the internet. Seldom, however, do studies contradicting the sensational early results receive similar publicity. The public is then left with a new image of the wolf that may be just as erroneous of the animal's public image a century ago.

Is science in danger of sanctifying the wolf? Biological Conservation 150 143-149 (January, 2012).

With wolf lay advocates it is just natural to want to promote their favorite animal and to try to counter the known negative effects of wolves and...

With wolf lay advocates it is just natural to want to promote their favorite animal and to try to counter the known negative effects of wolves and...