Kenneth Minogue Quote

To be conservative in politics is to take one's bearings not from the latest bright idea about how to make a better world, but by looking carefully at what the past reveals both about the kind of people we are and the problems that concern us. As we get older, we often become conservative in our habits, in our family practices, and in our recognition of the richness of our civilization, but this evolution of our character into a set of habits in no way blocks adventurousness. The old no less than the young may be found starting new enterprises, sailing around the world, and solving arcane academic questions. But it is in the ordinary business of life that we find our excitement, not in foolish collective dreams of political perfection.

Kenneth Minogue "The Elusive Oakeshott: Michael Oakeshott taught conservatism as practical wisdom, not philosophy" on, October 1, 2009.

To be conservative in politics is to take one's bearings not from the latest bright idea about how to make a better world, but by looking carefully...

To be conservative in politics is to take one's bearings not from the latest bright idea about how to make a better world, but by looking carefully...

To be conservative in politics is to take one's bearings not from the latest bright idea about how to make a better world, but by looking carefully...

To be conservative in politics is to take one's bearings not from the latest bright idea about how to make a better world, but by looking carefully...