In this aspect, the case for democracy rests on the argument that free discussion and expression of opinion are the most suitable techniques of arriving at the moral imperative implicitly common to all. Voting, from this point of view, is not a device whereby each individual expresses his personal interests, but rather where each individual gives his opinion of the general will.

p. 85 as cited in: Gerry Mackie (2006) "The Reception of Social Choice Theory By Democratic Theory". - Social Choice and Individual Values (1951)

In this aspect, the case for democracy rests on the argument that free discussion and expression of opinion are the most suitable techniques of...

In this aspect, the case for democracy rests on the argument that free discussion and expression of opinion are the most suitable techniques of...

In this aspect, the case for democracy rests on the argument that free discussion and expression of opinion are the most suitable techniques of...

In this aspect, the case for democracy rests on the argument that free discussion and expression of opinion are the most suitable techniques of...