I want to stress that rationality is not a property of the individual alone, although it is usually presented that way. Rather, it gathers not only its force but also its very meaning from the social context in which it is embedded.

Kenneth Arrow, "Rationality of Self and Others in an Economic System", The Journal of Business (1986)

I want to stress that rationality is not a property of the individual alone, although it is usually presented that way. Rather, it gathers not only...

I want to stress that rationality is not a property of the individual alone, although it is usually presented that way. Rather, it gathers not only...

I want to stress that rationality is not a property of the individual alone, although it is usually presented that way. Rather, it gathers not only...

I want to stress that rationality is not a property of the individual alone, although it is usually presented that way. Rather, it gathers not only...