Kathleen E. Woodiwiss Quote

The tiny flame danced beneath her fluttering breath, and she lifted the taper high above her head as she warily approached her visitor. His translucent eyes reflected the flickering light, and the hungry yearning visible in those luminous depths was so intense it seemed almost tangible.

Forever in Your Embrace (1992)

The tiny flame danced beneath her fluttering breath, and she lifted the taper high above her head as she warily approached her visitor. His...

The tiny flame danced beneath her fluttering breath, and she lifted the taper high above her head as she warily approached her visitor. His...

The tiny flame danced beneath her fluttering breath, and she lifted the taper high above her head as she warily approached her visitor. His...

The tiny flame danced beneath her fluttering breath, and she lifted the taper high above her head as she warily approached her visitor. His...