The chemist, by his questions, compels a mineral to speak, to disclose its composition; it tells him that it contains sulphur, iron, chromium, silica, alumina, or any other word of the chemical language of phenomena, arranged in a certain order. This is CHEMICAL ANALYSIS.

In: John Blyth, Familiar Letters on Chemistry (4th edition)

The chemist, by his questions, compels a mineral to speak, to disclose its composition; it tells him that it contains sulphur, iron, chromium,...

The chemist, by his questions, compels a mineral to speak, to disclose its composition; it tells him that it contains sulphur, iron, chromium,...

The chemist, by his questions, compels a mineral to speak, to disclose its composition; it tells him that it contains sulphur, iron, chromium,...

The chemist, by his questions, compels a mineral to speak, to disclose its composition; it tells him that it contains sulphur, iron, chromium,...