For all great discoveries chemists are indebted to the "balance" — that incomparable instrument which gives permanence to every observation, dispels all ambiguity, establishes truth, detects error, and guides us in the true path of inductive science.

Familiar Letters in Chemistry - Letter I (p. 6), Taylor & Walton. 1843

For all great discoveries chemists are indebted to the balance — that incomparable instrument which gives permanence to every observation, dispels...

For all great discoveries chemists are indebted to the balance — that incomparable instrument which gives permanence to every observation, dispels...

For all great discoveries chemists are indebted to the balance — that incomparable instrument which gives permanence to every observation, dispels...

For all great discoveries chemists are indebted to the balance — that incomparable instrument which gives permanence to every observation, dispels...