Jules Verne Quote

The great depths of the ocean are entirely unknown to us. Soundings cannot reach them. What passes in those remote depths what beings live, or can live, twelve or fifteen miles beneath the surface of the waters what is the organization of these animals we can scarcely conjecture.

20.000 Leagues Under the Sea, Part I, Chapter II (p. 10), G. Munro. 1883

The great depths of the ocean are entirely unknown to us. Soundings cannot reach them. What passes in those remote depths what beings live, or can...

The great depths of the ocean are entirely unknown to us. Soundings cannot reach them. What passes in those remote depths what beings live, or can...

The great depths of the ocean are entirely unknown to us. Soundings cannot reach them. What passes in those remote depths what beings live, or can...

The great depths of the ocean are entirely unknown to us. Soundings cannot reach them. What passes in those remote depths what beings live, or can...