The common law of England must direct the determination of a common law question. By common-law determinations we are bound; and to them we must always adhere: for, these are the proper constitutional declarations of the law of the land. They are so considered, even by the Court of Chancery itself. When any doubt arises in a cause of equity concerning a point of common law, it is usually referred to the determination of a Court of Common Law.

4 Burr. Part IV., 2377. - Dissenting in Millar v Taylor (1769)

The common law of England must direct the determination of a common law question. By common-law determinations we are bound; and to them we must...

The common law of England must direct the determination of a common law question. By common-law determinations we are bound; and to them we must...

The common law of England must direct the determination of a common law question. By common-law determinations we are bound; and to them we must...

The common law of England must direct the determination of a common law question. By common-law determinations we are bound; and to them we must...