I should like to be a parson on this island. Explain the Sermon on the Mount to ordinary people and let the world be the world.

Ich möchte Pastor auf dieser Insel sein. Einfachen Menschen die Bergpredigt erklären und die Welt Welt sein lassen. - Michael: a German fate in diary notes (1926)

I should like to be a parson on this island. Explain the Sermon on the Mount to ordinary people and let the world be the world.

I should like to be a parson on this island. Explain the Sermon on the Mount to ordinary people and let the world be the world.

I should like to be a parson on this island. Explain the Sermon on the Mount to ordinary people and let the world be the world.

I should like to be a parson on this island. Explain the Sermon on the Mount to ordinary people and let the world be the world.