I go to the typical state school and try to infiltrate it. Yes!... One can do something in the institutions in trying to infiltrate them, and outside one can do something to set a model in place... One must work with divers methods anyway. One must always carry on with what is possible.

'Every Man an Artist: Talks at Documenta 5', 1972

I go to the typical state school and try to infiltrate it. Yes!... One can do something in the institutions in trying to infiltrate them, and outside ...

I go to the typical state school and try to infiltrate it. Yes!... One can do something in the institutions in trying to infiltrate them, and outside ...

I go to the typical state school and try to infiltrate it. Yes!... One can do something in the institutions in trying to infiltrate them, and outside ...

I go to the typical state school and try to infiltrate it. Yes!... One can do something in the institutions in trying to infiltrate them, and outside ...