There is no society or conversation to be kept up in the world without good-nature, or something which must bear its appearance and supply its place. For this reason mankind have been forced to invent a kind of artificial humanity, which is what we express by the word Good-Breeding.

The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq (ed. 1721)

There is no society or conversation to be kept up in the world without good-nature, or something which must bear its appearance and supply its place. ...

There is no society or conversation to be kept up in the world without good-nature, or something which must bear its appearance and supply its place. ...

There is no society or conversation to be kept up in the world without good-nature, or something which must bear its appearance and supply its place. ...

There is no society or conversation to be kept up in the world without good-nature, or something which must bear its appearance and supply its place. ...