Josef Pieper Quote

Against the exclusiveness of the paradigm of work as activity, first of all, there is leisure as "non-activity" — an inner absence of preoccupation, a calm, an ability to let things go, to be quiet.
Leisure is a form of that stillness that is the necessary preparation for accepting reality; only the person who is still can hear, and whoever is not still, cannot hear. […] Leisure is the disposition of receptive understanding, of contemplative beholding, and immersion — in the real.

p. 31 - Leisure, the Basis of Culture (1948)

Against the exclusiveness of the paradigm of work as activity, first of all, there is leisure as non-activity — an inner absence of preoccupation,...

Against the exclusiveness of the paradigm of work as activity, first of all, there is leisure as non-activity — an inner absence of preoccupation,...

Against the exclusiveness of the paradigm of work as activity, first of all, there is leisure as non-activity — an inner absence of preoccupation,...

Against the exclusiveness of the paradigm of work as activity, first of all, there is leisure as non-activity — an inner absence of preoccupation,...