Jonathan Boucher Quote

As for lawyers, they seemed to grow up spontaneously; many of the first name and note in that profession were men without any education, and totally illiterate. Such a state of society was peculiar, and could not but have peculiar effects; for no other body of men, nor all the other bodies of men put together, had half so much influence as the lawyers....

"Reminiscences of an American Loyalist" (first published serially in "Notes and Queries", 1874-)

As for lawyers, they seemed to grow up spontaneously; many of the first name and note in that profession were men without any education, and totally...

As for lawyers, they seemed to grow up spontaneously; many of the first name and note in that profession were men without any education, and totally...

As for lawyers, they seemed to grow up spontaneously; many of the first name and note in that profession were men without any education, and totally...

As for lawyers, they seemed to grow up spontaneously; many of the first name and note in that profession were men without any education, and totally...