In the of...Things, tho' the most and ; the Peble or Flint, Cockle or Oyster-shell, Grass, Moss, Fern or Thistle, will be as, and as and sent, as any the rarest production of the Country. Only take care to choose of each the, and such as are or.

Brief Instructions for Making Observations in all Parts of the World (1696)

In the of...Things, tho' the most and ; the Peble or Flint, Cockle or Oyster-shell, Grass, Moss, Fern or Thistle, will be as, and as and sent, as any ...

In the of...Things, tho' the most and ; the Peble or Flint, Cockle or Oyster-shell, Grass, Moss, Fern or Thistle, will be as, and as and sent, as any ...

In the of...Things, tho' the most and ; the Peble or Flint, Cockle or Oyster-shell, Grass, Moss, Fern or Thistle, will be as, and as and sent, as any ...

In the of...Things, tho' the most and ; the Peble or Flint, Cockle or Oyster-shell, Grass, Moss, Fern or Thistle, will be as, and as and sent, as any ...