There are four several ways whereby this flying in the air hath been or may be attempted. Two of them by the strength of other things, and two of them by our own strength: (1) By spirits, or angels. (2) By the help of fowls. (3) By wings fastened immediately to the body. (4) By a flying chariot.

In: Charles Balchford Mansfield, Aerial Navigation

There are four several ways whereby this flying in the air hath been or may be attempted. Two of them by the strength of other things, and two of...

There are four several ways whereby this flying in the air hath been or may be attempted. Two of them by the strength of other things, and two of...

There are four several ways whereby this flying in the air hath been or may be attempted. Two of them by the strength of other things, and two of...

There are four several ways whereby this flying in the air hath been or may be attempted. Two of them by the strength of other things, and two of...