The commitment of giving your best at all times, in all circumstances and under all conditions, can enable you to find value in, and lend value to, every experience.

Wisdom From World Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven On Earth (ed. Templeton Foundation Press, 2008) - ISBN: 9781932031171

The commitment of giving your best at all times, in all circumstances and under all conditions, can enable you to find value in, and lend value to,...

The commitment of giving your best at all times, in all circumstances and under all conditions, can enable you to find value in, and lend value to,...

The commitment of giving your best at all times, in all circumstances and under all conditions, can enable you to find value in, and lend value to,...

The commitment of giving your best at all times, in all circumstances and under all conditions, can enable you to find value in, and lend value to,...