Why com'st thou like a girl with blubber'd eyes,
Who running by her busie mother cries
To be ta'en up, and by her garments holds,
Till she the fondling in her arms infolds.

Book XVI - Homer His Iliads Translated (1660)

Why com'st thou like a girl with blubber'd eyes, Who running by her busie mother cries To be ta'en up, and by her garments holds, Till she the...

Why com'st thou like a girl with blubber'd eyes, Who running by her busie mother cries To be ta'en up, and by her garments holds, Till she the...

Why com'st thou like a girl with blubber'd eyes, Who running by her busie mother cries To be ta'en up, and by her garments holds, Till she the...

Why com'st thou like a girl with blubber'd eyes, Who running by her busie mother cries To be ta'en up, and by her garments holds, Till she the...