Each thing by Destiny
So hastens to grow worse, and backward goes;
As one against a stream his Vessel rowes,
Who if by chance his arm a little slack,
The Boat in the swift Chanel hurries back.

The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro (2nd ed. 1654) - Virgil's Georgicks

Each thing by Destiny So hastens to grow worse, and backward goes; As one against a stream his Vessel rowes, Who if by chance his arm a little slack, ...

Each thing by Destiny So hastens to grow worse, and backward goes; As one against a stream his Vessel rowes, Who if by chance his arm a little slack, ...

Each thing by Destiny So hastens to grow worse, and backward goes; As one against a stream his Vessel rowes, Who if by chance his arm a little slack, ...

Each thing by Destiny So hastens to grow worse, and backward goes; As one against a stream his Vessel rowes, Who if by chance his arm a little slack, ...