Arms, and the Man I sing, who first did land,
Fate-forc'd from Troy, on the Lavinian Strand;
Whom angry Gods at Sea and Land engage,
And cruel Juno's persecuting Rage.
Much suffer'd he by War, whilst Walls he rear'd,
And Trojan Gods to Latian Realms transferr'd;
Whence Latins, and the Alban Princes come,
And lofty Tow'rs of all-commanding Rome.

The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro (2nd ed. 1654) - Virgil's Æneis

Arms, and the Man I sing, who first did land, Fate-forc'd from Troy, on the Lavinian Strand; Whom angry Gods at Sea and Land engage, And cruel Juno's ...

Arms, and the Man I sing, who first did land, Fate-forc'd from Troy, on the Lavinian Strand; Whom angry Gods at Sea and Land engage, And cruel Juno's ...

Arms, and the Man I sing, who first did land, Fate-forc'd from Troy, on the Lavinian Strand; Whom angry Gods at Sea and Land engage, And cruel Juno's ...

Arms, and the Man I sing, who first did land, Fate-forc'd from Troy, on the Lavinian Strand; Whom angry Gods at Sea and Land engage, And cruel Juno's ...