Why prattle we like children at their play,
Spending thus idle breath, enough to freight
An able vessel of the primer rate?
Our tongues are voluble, and store of words
Invention on all arguments affords,
Scatter'd on fresh occasions here and there,
And what thou say'st thou shalt from others hear.
Let us no longer vainly thus contend,
Like fenceless women, railing to no end.

Book XX - Homer His Iliads Translated (1660)

Why prattle we like children at their play, Spending thus idle breath, enough to freight An able vessel of the primer rate? Our tongues are voluble,...

Why prattle we like children at their play, Spending thus idle breath, enough to freight An able vessel of the primer rate? Our tongues are voluble,...

Why prattle we like children at their play, Spending thus idle breath, enough to freight An able vessel of the primer rate? Our tongues are voluble,...

Why prattle we like children at their play, Spending thus idle breath, enough to freight An able vessel of the primer rate? Our tongues are voluble,...