John Muir Quote

No dogma taught by the present civilization seems to form so insuperable an obstacle in the way of a right understanding of the relations which culture sustains to wildness, as that which declares that the world as made especially for the uses of men. Every animal, plant, and crystal controverts it in the plainest terms. Yet it is taught from century to century as something ever new and precious, and in the resulting darkness the enormous conceit is allowed to go unchallenged.

"Wild Wool", Overland Monthly, volume 14, number 4 (April 1875) pages 361-366 (at page 364); modified slightly and reprinted in Steep Trails (1918), chapter 1

No dogma taught by the present civilization seems to form so insuperable an obstacle in the way of a right understanding of the relations which...

No dogma taught by the present civilization seems to form so insuperable an obstacle in the way of a right understanding of the relations which...

No dogma taught by the present civilization seems to form so insuperable an obstacle in the way of a right understanding of the relations which...

No dogma taught by the present civilization seems to form so insuperable an obstacle in the way of a right understanding of the relations which...