John Mitchel Quote

The people are beginning to fear that the Irish Government is merely a machinery for their destruction; that, for all the usual functions of Government, this Castle-nuisance is altogether powerless; that it is unable, or unwilling, to take a single step for the prevention of famine, for the encouragement of manufactures, or providing fields of industry, and is only active in promoting, by high premiums and bounties, the horrible manufacture of crimes!

Article in The Nation newspaper on 8 November,1845, titled "The Detectives",on the Administration of Government in Ireland

The people are beginning to fear that the Irish Government is merely a machinery for their destruction; that, for all the usual functions of...

The people are beginning to fear that the Irish Government is merely a machinery for their destruction; that, for all the usual functions of...

The people are beginning to fear that the Irish Government is merely a machinery for their destruction; that, for all the usual functions of...

The people are beginning to fear that the Irish Government is merely a machinery for their destruction; that, for all the usual functions of...