The king is always killed by his courtiers, not by his enemies. The king is over-fed, over-drugged, overindulged; anything to keep the king tied to his throne. Most people in that position never wake up. They either die mentally or physically, or both.

The Beatles Anthology (Chronicle Books, 2000), p. 301

The king is always killed by his courtiers, not by his enemies. The king is over-fed, over-drugged, overindulged; anything to keep the king tied to...

The king is always killed by his courtiers, not by his enemies. The king is over-fed, over-drugged, overindulged; anything to keep the king tied to...

The king is always killed by his courtiers, not by his enemies. The king is over-fed, over-drugged, overindulged; anything to keep the king tied to...

The king is always killed by his courtiers, not by his enemies. The king is over-fed, over-drugged, overindulged; anything to keep the king tied to...