We ought, as far as we can by law, to support the government of all societies and corporations, especially this of the city of London; and if the mayor and aldermen should not have power to punish offenders in a summary way, then farewell the government of the city.

Clark's Case (1696), 5 Mod. Rep. 320.

We ought, as far as we can by law, to support the government of all societies and corporations, especially this of the city of London; and if the...

We ought, as far as we can by law, to support the government of all societies and corporations, especially this of the city of London; and if the...

We ought, as far as we can by law, to support the government of all societies and corporations, especially this of the city of London; and if the...

We ought, as far as we can by law, to support the government of all societies and corporations, especially this of the city of London; and if the...