John Heywood Quote

True (quoth Ales) thinges doone can not be vndoone,
Be they done in due tyme, to late, or to soone,
But better late than neuer to repent this,
To late (quoth my aunt) this repentance showd is,
Whan the stéede is stolne shut the stable durre.

True, said Ales, things done can not be undone, Be they done in due time, too late, or too soon, But better late than never to repent this, To late, said my aunt, this repentance shown is, When the steed is stolen shut the stable door. - Proverbs (1546)

True (quoth Ales) thinges doone can not be vndoone, Be they done in due tyme, to late, or to soone, But better late than neuer to repent this, To...

True (quoth Ales) thinges doone can not be vndoone, Be they done in due tyme, to late, or to soone, But better late than neuer to repent this, To...

True (quoth Ales) thinges doone can not be vndoone, Be they done in due tyme, to late, or to soone, But better late than neuer to repent this, To...

True (quoth Ales) thinges doone can not be vndoone, Be they done in due tyme, to late, or to soone, But better late than neuer to repent this, To...