The great mystery, however, is to conceive how so enormous a conflagration [as the sun] can be kept up. Every discovery in chemical science here leaves us completely at a loss, or rather, seems to remove farther the prospect of probable explanation.

Astronomy, Chapter V (p. 212)

The great mystery, however, is to conceive how so enormous a conflagration [as the sun] can be kept up. Every discovery in chemical science here...

The great mystery, however, is to conceive how so enormous a conflagration [as the sun] can be kept up. Every discovery in chemical science here...

The great mystery, however, is to conceive how so enormous a conflagration [as the sun] can be kept up. Every discovery in chemical science here...

The great mystery, however, is to conceive how so enormous a conflagration [as the sun] can be kept up. Every discovery in chemical science here...