Another lesson comes to mind and that is the need for continued hard review of design requirements. In retrospect, the requirement that led to the provision of a meteoroid shield was questionable. The shield was required in order to meet the arbitrary numerical design goal with the limited environmental knowledge then existing. Certainly with the benefit of hindsight, however, the shield was not necessary.

"Skylab Lessons Learned" (22 September 1975)

Another lesson comes to mind and that is the need for continued hard review of design requirements. In retrospect, the requirement that led to the...

Another lesson comes to mind and that is the need for continued hard review of design requirements. In retrospect, the requirement that led to the...

Another lesson comes to mind and that is the need for continued hard review of design requirements. In retrospect, the requirement that led to the...

Another lesson comes to mind and that is the need for continued hard review of design requirements. In retrospect, the requirement that led to the...