John Gray Quote

Against the many Russian thinkers influenced by Hegel who believed that history was governed by universal laws to which one could only submit, Turgenev upheld the freedom of different societies to pursue different paths of development and of individuals to pursue, even in opposition to powerful historical forces, their own goals and values. Here Turgenev endorsed the celebrated dictum of Alexander Herzen, with whom he disagreed on other matters: that history has no libretto. Human history is a realm of contingency and unpredictability, in which each generation faces conflicts that have no ideal solution.

'Isaiah Berlin: The Value of Decency' (p.105) - Gray's Anatomy: Selected Writings (2009)

Against the many Russian thinkers influenced by Hegel who believed that history was governed by universal laws to which one could only submit,...

Against the many Russian thinkers influenced by Hegel who believed that history was governed by universal laws to which one could only submit,...

Against the many Russian thinkers influenced by Hegel who believed that history was governed by universal laws to which one could only submit,...

Against the many Russian thinkers influenced by Hegel who believed that history was governed by universal laws to which one could only submit,...