John Dos Passos Quote

Make sure he ain't a dinge, boys.
Make sure he ain't a guinea or a kike,
how can you tell a guy's a hunredpercent when all you've got's a gunnysack full of bones, bronze buttons stamped with the screaming eagle and a pair of roll puttees?

1919 (1932). The Body of an American

Make sure he ain't a dinge, boys. Make sure he ain't a guinea or a kike, how can you tell a guy's a hunredpercent when all you've got's a gunnysack...

Make sure he ain't a dinge, boys. Make sure he ain't a guinea or a kike, how can you tell a guy's a hunredpercent when all you've got's a gunnysack...

Make sure he ain't a dinge, boys. Make sure he ain't a guinea or a kike, how can you tell a guy's a hunredpercent when all you've got's a gunnysack...

Make sure he ain't a dinge, boys. Make sure he ain't a guinea or a kike, how can you tell a guy's a hunredpercent when all you've got's a gunnysack...