The estranged ego projects its own disorder on to society and expects the restructuring and integration of the self writ large, the society, to reflect back on to the source of consciousness. Stirner regards this flight from self as a form of suicide, the dissolution of identity and uniqueness.

p. 79 - Break-Out from the Crystal Palace (1974)

The estranged ego projects its own disorder on to society and expects the restructuring and integration of the self writ large, the society, to...

The estranged ego projects its own disorder on to society and expects the restructuring and integration of the self writ large, the society, to...

The estranged ego projects its own disorder on to society and expects the restructuring and integration of the self writ large, the society, to...

The estranged ego projects its own disorder on to society and expects the restructuring and integration of the self writ large, the society, to...