Questions about a theory which do not affect its ability to predict experimental results correctly seem to me quibbles about words, rather than anything more substantial, and I am quite content to leave such questions to those who derive some satisfaction from them.

Electrodynamics of Ponderable Bodies, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Volume 225, Number 3, March 1938, (pp. 277-287)

Questions about a theory which do not affect its ability to predict experimental results correctly seem to me quibbles about words, rather than...

Questions about a theory which do not affect its ability to predict experimental results correctly seem to me quibbles about words, rather than...

Questions about a theory which do not affect its ability to predict experimental results correctly seem to me quibbles about words, rather than...

Questions about a theory which do not affect its ability to predict experimental results correctly seem to me quibbles about words, rather than...