The truth is that neither then nor at any former time, since I had attained my maturity in Age, Reading and reflection had I imbibed any general Prejudice against Kings, or in favour of them. It appeared to me then as it has done ever since, that there is a State of Society in which a Republican Government is the best, and in America the only one...

The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States (ed. 1851)

The truth is that neither then nor at any former time, since I had attained my maturity in Age, Reading and reflection had I imbibed any general...

The truth is that neither then nor at any former time, since I had attained my maturity in Age, Reading and reflection had I imbibed any general...

The truth is that neither then nor at any former time, since I had attained my maturity in Age, Reading and reflection had I imbibed any general...

The truth is that neither then nor at any former time, since I had attained my maturity in Age, Reading and reflection had I imbibed any general...