Several country towns, within my observation, have at least a dozen taverns. Here the time, the money, the health and the modesty, of most that are young and of many old, are wasted. Here diseases, vicious habits, bastards and legislators are frequently spawned.

The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States (ed. 1850)

Several country towns, within my observation, have at least a dozen taverns. Here the time, the money, the health and the modesty, of most that are...

Several country towns, within my observation, have at least a dozen taverns. Here the time, the money, the health and the modesty, of most that are...

Several country towns, within my observation, have at least a dozen taverns. Here the time, the money, the health and the modesty, of most that are...

Several country towns, within my observation, have at least a dozen taverns. Here the time, the money, the health and the modesty, of most that are...