So you must be silent.
Then God will be born in you,
utter his word in you and you shall hear it;
but be very sure that if
you speak the word will have to be silent.
If you go out, he will most surely come in;
as much as you go out for him
He will come in to you; no more, no less….

Johannes Tauler: Sermons, translated by Maria Shardy

So you must be silent. Then God will be born in you, utter his word in you and you shall hear it; but be very sure that if you speak the word will...

So you must be silent. Then God will be born in you, utter his word in you and you shall hear it; but be very sure that if you speak the word will...

So you must be silent. Then God will be born in you, utter his word in you and you shall hear it; but be very sure that if you speak the word will...

So you must be silent. Then God will be born in you, utter his word in you and you shall hear it; but be very sure that if you speak the word will...