For the book of nature has no beginning as it has no end. Open the book where you will at any point of your life, and if you have the desire to acquire knowledge, you will find it of intense interest, and no matter how long or how intently you study the pages, your interest will not flag for in nature there is no finality.

Jungle Lore, Chapter IV (p. 33), Oxford University Press, Inc. 1953

For the book of nature has no beginning as it has no end. Open the book where you will at any point of your life, and if you have the desire to...

For the book of nature has no beginning as it has no end. Open the book where you will at any point of your life, and if you have the desire to...

For the book of nature has no beginning as it has no end. Open the book where you will at any point of your life, and if you have the desire to...

For the book of nature has no beginning as it has no end. Open the book where you will at any point of your life, and if you have the desire to...