My first goal is to create an attractive, interactive website that forms a community of chess lovers. I want to keep it light and keep people coming back ⎯ heavy on photos, humor, and simple chess tactics and strategies. I want to promote our top players to increase their visibility and their chances to make a living at chess.

Gothamist interview (2006)

My first goal is to create an attractive, interactive website that forms a community of chess lovers. I want to keep it light and keep people coming...

My first goal is to create an attractive, interactive website that forms a community of chess lovers. I want to keep it light and keep people coming...

My first goal is to create an attractive, interactive website that forms a community of chess lovers. I want to keep it light and keep people coming...

My first goal is to create an attractive, interactive website that forms a community of chess lovers. I want to keep it light and keep people coming...