Payments have not kept up with the internet. Money works fine in the developed world. The people who actually get screwed are the people who pay 10% remittances or those who can't get a bank account.

Could Stellar be the answer to enable financial inclusion around the globe?, (May 4, 2015)

Payments have not kept up with the internet. Money works fine in the developed world. The people who actually get screwed are the people who pay 10%...

Payments have not kept up with the internet. Money works fine in the developed world. The people who actually get screwed are the people who pay 10%...

Payments have not kept up with the internet. Money works fine in the developed world. The people who actually get screwed are the people who pay 10%...

Payments have not kept up with the internet. Money works fine in the developed world. The people who actually get screwed are the people who pay 10%...