Jeanne W. Ross Quote

Many companies are not driving significant business value from the digitized platforms they build as part of their enterprise architecture initiatives. Our 2011 survey of 146 senior IT leaders found that the companies that benefit from their platforms' efforts are consistently relying on four architecture-related practices that encourage organizational learning about the value of enterprise architecture: 1) making IT costs transparent, 2) debating architectural exceptions, 3) performing post-implementation reviews, and 4) making IT investments with enterprise architecture in mind.

Jeanne W. Ross & Anne Quaadgras (2012) "Enterprise Architecture Is Not Just for Architects," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Vol. XII, No. 9, September 2012

Many companies are not driving significant business value from the digitized platforms they build as part of their enterprise architecture...

Many companies are not driving significant business value from the digitized platforms they build as part of their enterprise architecture...

Many companies are not driving significant business value from the digitized platforms they build as part of their enterprise architecture...

Many companies are not driving significant business value from the digitized platforms they build as part of their enterprise architecture...